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Free online hypnobirthing and antenatal course and resources for a positive birth experience
The birth-ed Hub..
‘Googling’ stuff when you’re pregnant is irresistible, and a really bad idea! How do you know what you’re reading is going to be factual and up to date? How can you be sure it’s not going to make you feel worse… until after you’ve read it? If only there was a go to place to access evidence based, positively presented information about pregnancy, birth and parenthood!
Welcome to the birth-ed Hub!
Everything you need to prepare for a Positive Birth.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, many women are being told they are ‘required to have’ a vaginal examination before their partner can be with them- it simply isn’t true.
As the shape of the maternity system changes, it’s important to us at birth-ed, that our courses remain up to date and relevant. All of the content shared throughout our Online Antenatal and Hypnobirthing Course is still particularly relevant to giving birth at this time. But as some guidelines change around the way care is offered in the UK, we wanted to share some specific support for women and birth partners during this time. So, we bring you this NEW module, completely FREE- ‘How to have a positive birth during a pandemic’.
So it seems to be the case that many hospitals are limiting visits to the postnatal ward after birth, so I wanted to share some ideas for partners bonding with babies if they are sadly separate from you both for some hours or days after birth itself.
Birth choices are changing during the current corona virus pandemic, but that doesn’t mean waving goodbye to the best possible birth experience! Allow me to talk you through it all..
In an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, most hospitals have now put in place restrictions to limit birth partners to 1 or 2 healthy people only.
What does this mean if you want your partner and a doula? What does this mean if you now don’t have childcare for your other children? What if your partner gets a cough?
#BirthEdOnLockdown Positive Birth Stories during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Positive Birth Story of 1st baby born at home in the water on lockdown!
Positive Birth Story of 2nd baby, labour induced after waters breaking at 37 weeks which led to a natural birth with an epidural.
First baby born on the labour ward, a positive instrumental birth.
A positive induction birth story for this first time mummy.
After practicing hypnobirthing with birth-ed, this mummy went on to have a an amazing birth on the birth centre for her 2nd baby.
When labour started unexpected early, this mum felt super prepared and positive about her experience, even though it happened so quickly that she was on her own!
Instrumental birth might not be top of your birth preferences, but when truly needed you can still have such a positive birth experience. “I have never felt such joy and euphoria in that moment, it was perfect.”
A last minute switch to home birth due to COVID-19 led to a truly wonderful birth experience for this first time mummy.
A positive VBAC birth story, during Lockdown. The tools from the hypnobirthing course helped me focus on ‘control what I can, let go of what I can’t’.
A positive natural birth story of a 2nd baby born on a birth centre during Lockdown. ‘He was born at 6.30am and we were home by lunchtime’.
Labour and Birth Choices
How does your body work in labour?
What can you do to influence the process of birth?
What choices do you have for your birth?
What are the risks and benefits all your pain relief options?
Birth Place Choices, home, birth centre & hospital birth.
Making Decisions for Birth
Facing a decision about induction, birth place or intervention and not sure how to decide or how to get support? This section is here to help!
Advocating for yourself when accessing health care (of any kind), but particularly maternity care is so important, but often easier said than done.
Hypnobirthing Tools
Interesting in Hypnobirthing? Want to find out how it can help you have a positive birth? Looking for tools and resources to help you practice and prepare?
You might have heard of the term ‘fight or flight’. It describes an automatic response in our bodies that happens any time we feel afraid, disturbed, observed or uneasy in some way. In hypnobirthing we talk about it a lot to explain how our labour hormones behave, but it doesn’t go a long way to describe how we behave in birth in 2023. But the ‘fawn' response does!
Positive Birth Stories
From home water births to planned caesareans, inductions on a labour ward to unmedicated birth centre births, they all have one thing in common- they’re all positive! Challenging the negative representation of birth shared by the media, reading positive birth stories enables you to reframe some of your thoughts and feelings about birth, and it couldn’t be easier than with our fully searchable birth story library!
A positive birth story following induction for Gestational Diabetes on a Labour Ward for a first time mum.
Having planned a prepared for a home birth, but finding her waters breaking at 36+1, it seemed this baby had other plans! A lovely positive hospital birth story for a first time mum.
Second time mum has her ‘perfect birth’ (in the hospital corridor!) yes really!
A natural birth on a hospital labour ward for a first time mother
A positive, gentle c-section birth of a second baby.
After moving to Ireland in pregnancy and facing a more medicalised birth, this first time mum used the Positively Birthing hypnobirthing techniques for a really positive experience.
After an induction with her first baby, this second time mum had a positive quick birth on the birth Centre using hypnobirthing tools.
Following a 5 day hospital stay for transverse lie, this went on to be a quick positive induction birth.
This mum shares some great tips for managing her surges in her story too!
Taking control of your choices can make your induction so much more positive.
A second baby born at home, following a difficult forceps first birth in hospital.